“Vamos en el verde pues…” as my auntie used to say back in the day. Few things hold such special place in my memory and this one takes an XL with all it's “quirks and features” (as Doug DeMuro will occasionally say..). But beyond these words and sayings, if I had to choose one car for my future family.. I would most likely choose this again.
Originally in Mercedes Cactus Green. This became the family’s daily and workhorse.
The thing that stuck with me the most was how well this car was built. And it hit all the right senses. The classic old car smell, the homie couch comfort, the incredible visibility (being it so squared) and the thunk when you close the door. It really delivered when it came to quality and reliability but, above all, it really allowed our family to be, the family. It felt, like home.
This build is a contradiction, as everything I like about it, has been compromised for the sake of speed. We can maybe call this interpretation.. “The Fast Memory Swap”. 

Comfort is out the window as the interior has been completely stripped for weight reduction while also adding a cage for protection. Rear doors are now welded and useless, as it can now only carry one passenger and plenty groceries (if needed). All of this just to make space for its new hosts, a chunky Lithium-Ion Battery and a new traction engine, a Tesla Performance Drive Unit. Wide body panels have been added to accommodate the wider stance and some alterations to both the front and back, including, a blocked out front trim, and a significant cut in the rear section to complement the body with some negative space using a new taillight and mesh setup.